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Kaduna Park Estate, Officer South

Kaduna Park's vision for the future is a community where neighbours know one another and get together to have fun, build friendships and contribute to making life on the Southside.

Located on a beautiful old cattle farm passed down from generation to generation, Kaduna Park has always been home to families. As you meander through the gum tree-lined paths, breath in the fresh country air and explore the charming old homestead and garden, you’ll feel at home as did they who wandered these paths before you. 

Book a guided walk-through to get more information and start your new home build journey

kaduna park hero image
Kaduna Park
Lever Circuit
Officer South, 3809
Opening times
5 Days: Saturday-Tuesday, 11am - 5pm, Wednesday, 1 - 5pm
On-site Consultant
Matthew Scarpino: 0450 066 757