Stage 4 Restrictions Update
You may be wondering what the latest Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne mean if you’re thinking about a new build. We’re happy to share that Orbit Homes is still safely selling and building homes, ensuring we comply with all regulations. Although we’ve temporarily closed our display homes in Metropolitan Melbourne, you don’t have to put your home building dream on hold. We’re fully operational online and here to answer any questions you might have right now via video call, phone and email.
For our current customers
We continue to build your home as we would build for our family - we are fortunate that building of homes has been permitted to continue on site.
Orbit Homes will continue to comply with all government recommended safety protocols, including restricting the number of trades on site to no more than 5 trades people at a time, and the compulsory wearing of masks while on site. We do not anticipate that we will experience extensive delays in the construction of your home.
We will of course keep you up to date with and changes to the regulations and the progress of your home during the Stage 4 restriction period.
However, under the current restrictions, customers are no longer permitted to travel to visit their building site unless a meeting has been arranged with you for one of the following two reasons:
1. Practical Completion Inspection
2. Taking possession of your new home
We are also unable to attend warranty claims unless they are of an emergency situation.
Please adhere to “Stay at Home Directions” and feel free to contact your Customer Service Officer if you have any questions or concerns.
For the latest information on the Stage 4 restrictions visit the Victorian Government website at www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Contact us
You might also like to:
- Explore our home designs online, including viewing video tours
- Read-up on new home building tips on our In Your Orbit Blog
- Get some styling inspiration from our OH! Magazine and other publications
- Hear from other customers who have built with us
If you have any questions about how Orbit Homes is approaching business in Metropolitan Melbourne during Stage 4 restrictions, click here.
Stay safe and take care.
The Orbit Homes Family