Orbit Homes of Melbourne & Queensland Receives Best Of Houzz 2014 Award!
On February 4 2014 Orbit Homes has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. Our work won in the Design category, where Houzz announced “the Orbit Homes portfolio includes some of the most popular images on Houzz in 2013.
We have already placed a "Best of Houzz 2014" winner badge on your Houzz profile page”. To visit the Orbit Homes profile page click on - http://www.houzz.com/pro/orbithomes In a recent pre released by Houzze here is what they had to say;“The Best Of Houzz award is given in two categories: Customer Satisfaction and Design. Customer Design award winners’ work was the most popular among the more than 16 million monthly users on Houzz, known as “Houzzers,” who saved more than 230 million professional images of home interiorsm and exteriors to their personal ideabooks via the Houzz site, / iPhone app and Android app Winners will receive a “Best Of Houzz 2014” badge on their profiles, showing the Houzz community their commitment to excellence. These badges help homeowners identify popular and top-rated home professionals in every metro area on Houzz”.
Orbit Homes is appreciative and excited to be awarded the “Best OF Houzz” award for 2014 – making this a 2 year streak. We are proud of our display home designs and are delighted to have pleased so many “Houzzers”.
You can follow Orbit Homes on Houzz http://www.houzz.com/pro/orbithomes or for more information about Orbit Homes go to orbithomes.com.au Orbit Homes – Our Plans | Your Plans | Design Together